Iryna Saakashvili
Doctor Anesthesiologist/Reanimatologist. Permanent makeup specialistFounder/Director Aesthetic Centre Prestige Luxe
In 1998 graduated from academician D.K. Zabolotny's lyceum of medical biology with gold medal, in Vinnytsa, Ukraine.
In 2000 graduated from medical technical university with nurse specialty with a red diploma in Vinnytsa, Ukraine.
In 2006 graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University's medical faculty in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 2008 graduated from Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education with anesthesiology/resuscitation and intense therapy department in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 2009 finished Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education's courses in children's anesthesiology/resuscitation and intense therapy in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 2009 finished permanent makeup courses for medically educated specialists. From the same year she's been working as a permanent makeup specialist in Kyiv, Ukraine.
In 2014 she continued her work as a permanent makeup specialist in Tbilisi, Georgia and in Batumi, Georgia.
From 2009 she has completed qualification raising courses in Ukraine, Italy and Israel. She also participates in different seminars and master classes.
In 2022 she founded aesthetic centre Prestige Luxe.