Basic cosmetology course

Course duration - 3 months. 3 lessons per week.

Course Description:

The course of basic and apparatus cosmetology includes:


  • Fundamentals of cosmetology.
  • Environmental factors in relation to the skin and body.
  • Types of skin, their difference.
  • Examination of all skin types.
  • Short Course in Dermatology.
  • Skin examination and rehabilitation.
  • Basic scheme of work with drugs, lessons.

Short Course in Anatomy:

  • Cryozone therapy.
  • Study of the cosmetology apparatus.
  • Deep cleaning of the face (disincrustation).
  • Piercing.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Paraffin therapy.


  • Treatment of oily skin complicated by acne.
  • Combination skin care.
  • Skin care: anti-couperose.
  • Acid programs (peels).
  • Graduates will receive a Certificate.
  • Teaching includes theoretical and practical classes that run parallel to each other.
  • Cost of education: Group course - 2000 GEL